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來源:http://www.bj1866.cn/ 日期:2021-06-21 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):0
The application of maleic anhydride in hydrogenation products (including BDO, THF and GBL, etc.), especially in new thermoplastic engineering plastics polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) and polytetramethylene ether glycol (PTMEG) as raw material of spandex, is the main factor that can greatly promote the rapid growth of maleic anhydride products all over the world in the past 10 years and even for a long time in the future.
A set of production, research and development, trade as one of the comprehensive chemical company. Mainly covers inorganic chemical products, organic chemical products, experimental instruments and other major series. The main products are potassium hydroxide, ammonium persulfate, sodium persulfate, maleic anhydride, dichloromethane, cement waterproof agent, capillary of chromatographic instrument, etc.
Products are mainly used in agricultural fertilizer, water treatment, pharmaceutical, papermaking, metallurgy, building additives, rubber manufacturing and other fields.
Every year, every season. The company was founded in 2006, and now it has been 13 years. Along the way, we step by step, conscientious, honest management, now the company has developed into a large-scale chemical company with annual sales of nearly 60 million yuan.
回顧過去,應感謝的是那些對我們始終不離不棄的老朋友,是你們的支持與呵護才有金昊化工輝煌的今天。你們的幫助,金昊將銘記于心!其次,應該感謝公司全體員工,是大家的辛勤努力、精誠合作, 才讓金昊天壯大!希望大家不忘初心,為了自己,為了企業(yè),繼續(xù)開拓創(chuàng)新,共同譜寫公司的新篇章。
Looking back on the past, first of all, we should thank those old friends who have never left us. It is your support and care that makes Jinhao chemical brilliant today. Your help will be remembered by Jin Hao! Secondly, we should thank all the staff of the company for their hard work and sincere cooperation, which makes Jinhao grow stronger day by day! I hope you will not forget your original intention, continue to explore and innovate for yourself and the enterprise, and jointly write a new chapter of the company.
Looking forward to the future, we are full of confidence. We have chemical knowledge, can accurately grasp the product performance and standards. We have a team of sincere cooperation, brothers of one mind, its benefits break gold. We have more trust and support from old and new friends. You are the driving force of Jinhao chemical industry! We are located in the land of Qilu, with a thick Shandong business culture and a tradition of honest management.
The above is the maleic anhydride manufacturers for you to introduce the content, hope to help you. If you want to learn more about the wonderful content, you can pay attention to: http://www.bj1866.cn , will present more content, if you have other questions, you can also directly ask online customer service.
